+61 2 8999 1919 enquiries@taggle.com.au

GWMWater serves a population of approximately 72,000 people with a geographic spread of 62,000 square kilometres, which is about 30% of Victoria. The area is similar in size to Tasmania and covers 13 municipalities either fully or partially. Providing urban water and wastewater services is one of GWMWater’s main activities, delivering 10,000 ML/annum of water to 52,000 customers in 71 towns.

GWMWater - Type 1 meter installed on a property

GWMWater – Type 1 meter installed on a property

The Rural Pipeline Intelligence Project involves the roll out of taggle devices for remote meter reading to approximately 13,600 Wimmera and Northern Mallee Pipeline rural customers.

The taggle devices allow readings to be transmitted electronically to its Horsham Office for billing and operational purposes. These devices are installed as part of the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Project.

Ultimately the information collected by the devices will be available for customers to access electronically. This will include information on water use and water allowances, giving customers greater knowledge of their water use patterns and providing more flexibility with water trading. Water leaks may also be able to be detected.

This project will provide GWMWater with valuable information to operate the pipeline more efficiently through reduced meter reading and pumping costs.


Solution: Automatic meter reading and data acquisition

Area covered: 30,000 km²

Receivers: 45

Devices connected: >13,500

Installation: 2014


GWMWater case study


GWMWater - Type 3b meter installed on a property

GWMWater – Type 3b meter installed on a property

GWMWater - Type 2 meter installed on a property

GWMWater – Type 2 meter installed on a property